dont look back, look forward, thiss the hard reality. days has already long past when they are letting us in. #truth maybe im not your title girl anymore, if you cant be honest w me at least be honest w urself, do not try to deflect this on to me like im the one saying no first, i thought we can trust each other, my sentiments, rly. i cant describe, well dont worry ill be out of ur hair soon, this time i want to be proactive abt my well-being, called taking control. i dont want to be just active to ur reaction to me but also my own dealing w it, difficult times, big deal.
4/10 什么玩意儿,阿甘正传最后一集是编剧在已经死了的状态下写的吗? 一位纳粹战犯,盗用犹太难民的身份,生活了30年,说希伯来语,读塔纳赫,戴小圆帽,过逾越节,真的以为自己就是犹太人了... ...甚至去猎杀其他纳粹